Lake Tišina – Rajski vrt, a private Eden located in Gušće, a village in lower Posavina, at the edge of the Lonjsko polje Nature Park
In 1995, after the Croatian War of Independence, Zora and Josip Stojanović of Zagreb bought a neglected plot of land in Gušće, a village in lower Posavina, at the edge of the Lonjsko polje Nature Park. Called Na ciglane or Bok ciglana, it lay by a former arm of the Sava, known as lake Tišina. This property, now renamed Rajski vrt (Garden of Eden) is 75 km away from Zagreb, and 20 km away from Sisak.
Historically, the plot belonged to the Detković Co-op, which had owned it since 1710. The Stojanovićs are in possession of authentic documents of Šimun Detković (1864-1921), a descendant of Ivan Detković, the first director of the Detković Co-op. The co-op built the pre-eminent brick factory in Posavina on the property, hence its original name (meaning “by the brick factory”). Aside from the factory, the plot contained log cabins and supporting objects – an entire community – until 1921. Its common house, used on special occasions, the co-op built to order in 1795, and had it rebuilt in 1823, as evidenced by the written records from the Detković family.
The “Records of Events” by Šimun Detković (1864-1921) relate the three hundred years of existence of the Na ciglane property in Gušće
The Stojanović family finished clearing the dilapidated property in 1998, including the reconstruction of the neglected Detković Co-op common house based on the measurements from the sketch of the house and the land records kept after 1900, observing all regulations and norms involved in restoration work.
The neglected Na ciglane property after 1956, and the beginning of clearing and restoration of the plot
This is what the Stojanović property looked like, including the shore of the lake Tišina, after the Law on the Lonjsko polje Nature Park was passed in 1990, pronouncing it a protected area of natural and cultural heritage. This did not prevent the property from sinking into neglect until it gained new owners; the Stojanovićs thoroughly cleared, re-landscaped and refurbished the entire plot of land. This returned it to a vivid splendour of living nature.
wide skies,
peace, love,
Watery flora and fauna of lake Tišina leave a lasting impression through a veritable rhapsody of colours and life – a rare sight. Moreover, many species of watery plants and flowers create an image of natural richness of vast proportions and shapes, of light, air, landscape and atmosphere. Naturists are especially delighted by the watery expanse of the lake, the verdant plant life, the structure of flowers, the overflights of songbirds… It is not an exaggeration to say that the lake looks like something out of a fairytale, along with the property. And the eye follows the lake surface into the distance. The magic is constant here throughout the year – in bright sunshine and in pouring rain. Always.
But it has to be noted that such a visual impression happens only on this natural property. Along the rest of the lake, the sides are neither cleared nor accessible. A visitor to the Lonjsko polje Nature Park would not even notice the lake, since there are no signs pointing to it, so the local biodiversity remains unknown. The property, now owned by the Mršić family, leaves a fantastic impression on its visitors. But the necessity of physically coming to experience the flora and fauna of this lake remains. The journalists who visit the neighbouring village of Čigoč for its Stork Day often say that they’re unaware of this lakeside property’s very existence, as their attention there is directed only to storks.
Flower gardens in all colours attract every visitor, especially city residents, with their vitality, lightness, opulence of colours and smells, restoring strength and peace of mind. From early spring to winter, light awakens the colour of flowers and leaves from dawn to dusk. At the side of lake Tišina, sky, clouds, trees, people and boats reflect in the water, creating a space that loses any spatial and physical boundaries. The aquatic scenery full of water lilies, the wooded land, lakeside terraces, sun, water, flowers, tree shadows, reeds, wild ducks, swans, coots, fish, dragonflies, frogs and water snakes create an indescribably pleasant atmosphere – especially for artistic souls. Everything merges into a unique, picturesque whole here.
Fishermen’s paradise of major catches
The entire impression of Rajski vrt is indescribable by words – only a photograph or a painting could suffice. Nature lovers have been visiting here since 19th century, seeking to relax, paint, or photograph, to refresh their visual experience and revive their spiritual peace. This experience can be reliably experienced during any visit to Rajski vrt.
The Mršić family now has a duty to preserve the restored shore of lake Tišina, and keep it from sharing the destiny of the surrounding areas of Lonjsko polje.
Lake Tišina is a Croatian pearl of nature, proof that we can do better